PfCA’s Pillars of Care

The PfCA’s Pillars of Care refer to the foundational areas or principles that focus on supporting and uplifting our queer communities in rural Colorado. These pillars provide a framework for guiding our efforts and initiatives. 

PfCA’s Pillars of Care are:

  • LGBTQ+ Futures

  • Inclusive Youth Support and Advocacy in Education

  • Community Health and Safety

  • Transportation, Housing, and Healthcare

  • Education and Awareness

  • Social Connections and Community Building

  • Faith Space and Support

  • Community Engagement & Grassroots Solutions

LGBTQ+ Futures

In partnership with the Chaffee County Community Foundation, PfCA has worked to build funding opportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals, organizations, and groups seeking to create safe, inclusive spaces, access resources, and receive education.

The Arkansas River Valley LGBTQ+ Fund, established in 2023, aims to promote equity and a sense of belonging for the LGBTQ+ community in Chaffee County. It offers financial support for individual needs, technical assistance, and programs that foster affirming environments for LGBTQ+ residents and visitors.

  • Access to funds empowers individuals and communities to manage their finances, pursue goals, start businesses, invest in education, and enhance their quality of life.

  • Financial resources can drive economic growth by enabling entrepreneurship, job creation, and contributions to the local economy, leading to community prosperity.

  • Enhancing financial access ensures inclusivity in the financial system, reducing disparities in wealth and opportunities among community members.

  • Pooling resources and utilizing financial assets can amplify community voices, drive positive change, and address social issues collectively.

By supporting sustainable development initiatives, fund access enables communities to invest in projects and practices that promote a more sustainable future.

Chaffee County Community Foundation

Inclusive Youth Support & Advocacy in Education

The PfCA is committed to supporting diverse youth groups, including LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and Disabled individuals within educational systems. Our mission is to advocate for, establish, uphold, and enlighten others about the transformative impact of microcultures and affinity spaces for non-majority students and staff members.

Over the past eight years, we have championed the establishment of Gender & Sexualities Alliances (GSAs) in our region. Our initiative, the Your Authentic Self! (YAS!) Club has been instrumental in providing support to LGBTQ+ students within educational environments. These clubs serve as secure environments where LGBTQ+ students can express their concerns, find resources for themselves and their caregivers, and provide guidance, support, and aid to school staff.

Our partnership with Chaffee County Public Health and The Trailhead Institute has enabled us to contribute to the dialogue about comprehensive sexuality education. We believe that fostering a healthy understanding of sexuality is a pivotal milestone for a child’s and an adolescent's health. The PfCA supports universal access to comprehensive sexuality education to ensure every young person receives age-appropriate, evidence-based learning. This education aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge to cultivate a safe, positive perception of sexuality, develop respectful relationships with everyone, and make informed, safe, and positive decisions about their bodies, sexual health, and overall healthcare.

The PfCA collaborates with We Are Chaffee, Family & Youth Initiatives, and the Chaffee County Youth Alliance to amplify the voices of our youth. Through this collaboration, we aim to convey the unique needs defined by the youth themselves, fostering greater understanding among adults. This approach paves the way for enhanced support and the potential for enduring positive change.

The Trailhead Institute

Chaffee County Public Health

We Are Chaffee’s Future

Family & Youth Initiatives

Chaffee County Youth Alliance

Community Health & Safety

In collaboration with Public Health, the PfCA has provides valuable data, advocacy, and insights to improve health outcomes within our community. As part of the Harm Reduction Coalition, we strive to ensure better access to sexual health services, including STI, HIV/AIDS, and HPV testing and medical care.

The PfCA, in conjunction with various healthcare partners, annually organizes the Itty Bitty LGBTQ+ Health Fair. Our ongoing partnerships include Chaffee County Public Health, Solvista Health, Family and Youth Initiatives, and the Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center.

As a rural Hate Free Colorado coalition member, the PfCA maintains connections with the Attorney General's office, the DOJ, the FBI, and state and federal law enforcement agencies. We actively monitor hate crime trends and data and have worked to secure funding for local law enforcement education on hate crime reporting. This is part of our ongoing efforts to create a safer environment for all LGBTQ+ community members and visitors.

Chaffee County Community Clinic

Hate Free Colorado Coalition

Transportation, Housing, & Healthcare

Our community has identified affordable living/housing, transportation, and healthcare as the most pressing needs in our county, given that 91% of residents struggle to afford life in our rapidly evolving communities.

While we provide advocacy and training in these areas, our work extends beyond this. We collaborate with the community to inform leaders about the unique needs, experiences, and ideas of the LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and Disabled community members in Chaffee County.

Chaffee County Public Health

Chaffee County Housing Authority

Education & Awareness

The PfCA provides continuous educational opportunities, offering monthly online sessions, quarterly in-person workshops, and customizable training for your business or group. The cost varies from free to a sliding scale, based on the specific needs of the company or organization.

In collaboration with Public Health and the Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center, we offer ongoing LGBTQ+ Cultural Fluency training. Our services include space creation for practice and discussions and consultation services to help create safer and more informed interactions for all people.

Since 2016, the PfCA and many dedicated volunteers have provided training to over 3,000+ community members in the Upper Arkansas River Valley.


Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center

Solvista Health

Chaffee County Public Health

Social Connections & Community Building

Having positive social interactions in rural spaces, being LGBTQ+, can be overwhelmingly difficult and feel unsafe. The PfCA has hosted LGBTQ+ events to promote positive social interactions in safe spaces since 2016. Due to our rural geography, events also serve as contact points to discuss communal needs and ideas for building access for our community.

Queer Happy Hour is a bi-monthly event in Salida and Buena Vista, offering space to gather with activities, food and drink, games, non-alcoholic beverages, and resources.

Ark Valley Pride launched in 2016 and has become the annual hub for LGBTQ+ people in our region. The event hosts approximately 3500-5000 visitors annually. The event includes the Ark Valley Pride Awards, Ark Valley Pride Youth Awards, Pride Village, Health Village, Faith Village, and the main stage for drag performances and celebrations.

Potlucks, Game Nights, and Community Dinners offer space to come together with families and allies, allowing for solid connections and access to resources.

Faith Space & Support

In response to the growing influence of evangelical and white nationalist groups, the PfCA has taken the initiative to engage with local faith leaders. We aim to foster ongoing dialogues on making faith spaces more inclusive for LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting a more accurate portrayal of faith histories, and encouraging comprehensive discussions within congregations. These conversations are intended to discern the truth from narratives crafted by groups seeking to continue harming historically marginalized communities.

We provide training, access to resources and consultants, a platform for challenging conversations, and a coalition of individuals dedicated to nurturing our entire community.

Salida United Methodist Church

Salida First Presbyterian Church

Congregational United Church of Christ

Salida Meditation Center - Salida Sangha

Episcopal Church of the Ascension

Queer Business Alliance

The PfCA has a long-standing partnership with Good Business Colorado to cultivate an inclusive business community in our county. After discussions in 2023, several LGBTQ+-owned businesses in the area are joining forces to strengthen their purchasing and marketing capabilities collectively. They aim to champion equity and inclusion in their business practices and play a role in establishing a safer and more interconnected community in Chaffee County.

The Safe Space program, managed by PfCA since 2016, will be integrated into the Queer Business Alliance. It will provide training, resources, and ongoing support to help businesses enhance their equity and inclusivity practices.

Good Business Colorado

Community Engagement & Grassroots Solutions

We collaborate with elected officials, service providers, nonprofit organizations, and community groups to share community members’ needs. We amplify their voices to inform decision-makers about community experiences, leading to more effective and equitable systems.

The PfCA also provides training in diverse Community Organizing models, base-building, fundraising, organizing tools, power analysis, strategic planning, and advocacy skills.