Sliding Scale Training Rates

The PfCA provides two types of training, community training, and organizational training. When we train organizations we customize training to the number of participants, organizational needs, and geographic/cultural landscapes.

Please contact to schedule an organizational training.

Our public training are offered at different rates depending on your individual and organizational access to money and wealth. Our sliding scale is an intentional effort to distribute resources equitably.


Are you paying for this training yourself? Are you doing this for your work? If so, please ask them if they will pay for your training. It makes our programs and trainings sustainable.


YES, I am paying for this training myself.

These rates are for you if you are paying for the training without financial support from an organization. If you are supported by an organization go to the section.

Click on the Self Assessment Tool below for help selecting your Individual Rate.

  • Please reflect on the questions below to help you consider what rate to pay to attend one of our classes or workshops. We know that all of our experiences regarding these factors are different and complex. We hope that this list of questions supports reflective discernment.

    Are you and your family homeowners or landowners?

    Have you attended private education institutions or do you have an advanced degree?

    Are your bills or credit cards on autopay?

    Have you not had difficulty accessing and affording healthcare or health insurance for you or your family members?

    Do you have zero to no debt and/or do you have disposable income?

    Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends?

    Do you have U.S. Citizenship?

    Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones?

    Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property?

    Have you (or could you have) attended college?

    Have you (or could you have) attended graduate school?

After reading the Self Assessment Tool take a look at the Determining Your Rate module to select your Individual Rate.

  • Based on your answers to the self assessment, here are the suggested rates.

    If you answered almost all no
    select the Partnership Rate when you register for classes or workshops!

    If you answered more no than yes select the Contributor Rate when you register for classes or workshops.

    If you answered more yes than no select the Full Cost Rate when you register for classes or workshops.

    If you answered almost all yes
    select the Fair Share Rate when you register for classes or workshops.

NO, my training is being paid for by someone else.

These rates are for you if you are a member of an organization that is paying for your participation in the training.

Please assess your organization based on the criteria below to determine which sliding scale rate you should choose. We know that the picture of an organization’s financial resources can be complex, and not every statement in any category might be true for your organization. Select where the most statements are true for your organization.

  • Select the Partnership Rate for classes or workshops if the following applies or is similar to your organization.

    If your organization’s annual budget is under $600,000

    If the highest paid person in your organization is paid less than $75,000/year (FTE) or there are no staff members

    If your Board members are mostly low income, and work to fundraise with no personal financial contribution required

    If your organization has received less than $5,000 of grant funding to support this work (Professional Development work or Anti-Oppression related work)

    If your organization is not able to financially support staff to attend professional conferences

    If your organization’s mission has a deep alignment with the PfCA’s work

  • Select the Contributor Rate for classes or workshops if the following applies or is similar to your organization.

    If your organization’s annual budget is between $600,000 and $2 million

    If the highest paid person in your organization makes between $75,000-$125,000/year (FTE)

    If your Board members are mostly low income, and work to fundraise with no personal financial contribution required

    If your organization has received less than $10,000 of grant funding to support this work (Professional Development work or Anti-Oppression related work)

    If your organization can offer partial financial support to staff to attend professional conferences

    If your organization’s mission has a deep alignment with the PfCA’s work

  • Select the Full Cost Rate for classes or workshops if the following applies or is similar to your organization.

    If your organization’s annual budget is between $2 and $15 million

    If the highest paid person in your organization makes between $125,000-$175,000/year (FTE)

    If more than half of your Board members are high income, and regularly make $500 or more of financial contributions/year

    If your organization has received over $10,000 of grant funding to support this work (Professional Development work or Anti-Oppression related work)

    If your organization can regularly pay for staff to attend professional conferences (1 per year)

  • Select the Fair Share Rate for classes or workshops if the following applies or is similar to your organization.

    If your organization’s annual budget is above $15 million

    If the highest paid person in your organization makes more than $175,000/year (FTE)

    If your Board is mostly high income, and regularly makes $1,000 or more of financial contributions/year

    If your organization has received over $50,000 of grant funding to support this work (Professional Development work or Anti-Oppression related work)

    If your organization can regularly pay for staff to attend professional conferences (more than 1 per year)